John Betancourt’s Wildside Press is hundreds of miles from New York, but from his vantage point in Bethesda, Maryland, he has a clear vision of what’s happening in publishing and what the future holds. His wide-ranging talk at a recent meeting of the Sisters in Crime Chesapeake Chapter had me furiously scribbling notes so I could share his comments with PDD’s readers.
Betancourt is a successful science fiction author of many short
Online publishing, he believes, can be a good way for beginners to attract attention and break in. “Online publishing is your friend,” he said in answer to a chapter member’s question. “Even if it doesn’t pay, it can get attention for your writing.”
The inevitable questions about finding an agent led Betancourt to tell his own career story. He has sold his books himself, then hired agents to negotiate his contracts. He doesn’t believe agents are particularly good at selling books because of their limited contacts and their tendency to give up quickly. However, with big publishers that accept submissions only through agents, writers have no choice but to use them from the start. He advised meeting personally with an agent before signing with him or her. A personal meeting at a conference or workshop is the best way to find an agent, preferable to cold querying. Be at your best for such a meeting, he said. “Make them want to know about you and your writing. Be outgoing, funny, charming.” Sell yourself and you’ll make the agent eager to sell your work.
Publishers have become frighteningly quick to drop writers these days, Betancourt pointed out, so after signing with a publisher, you have to be pleasant to work with, or you might discover that you’re replaceable. He recalled a bestselling science fiction author of Star Trek novels who phoned her editor several times a week for lengthy conversations. The writer’s contract was dropped. The moral of the story: “Don’t piss off your editor.”
The internet offers a lot of opportunities for self-promotion, Betancourt said, but a heavy-handed me-me-me approach will turn off potential readers. Don’t plaster the internet with self-promotion and “don’t push yourself as a writer” on internet groups, he advised. “Be interesting, be entertaining, contribute something.” Nobody will read a blog that is about nothing but the writer and her new book, and if the only time you show up in an internet group is when you have something to sell, you won’t win over any readers.
Make sure people remember you and your books. Memorable titles and memorable author names are always a plus. Betancourt advised Lynda Hill to use her middle name, Sasscer, for writing. He advised Maria Y. Lima to drop the middle initial to make her name flow more easily off the tongue. Change the spelling of your name if that will make it stand out.
Try to avoid selling the paperback rights to the same company that brings out your hardcovers. You’ll get more money by going elsewhere.
Never let an editor keep anything for more than three months. Always hold editors to the time limits they give in their guidelines or on their websites.
Try writing intelligent, thoughtful online reviews of other people’s books as a form of self-promotion. If readers respect your opinions, they’ll check out your writing.
This is not totally apropos but wanted to say that, "City of Dragons," by Kelli Stanley is a great book with a unique sense of time and place (1940 San Francisco Chinatown) and an unusual private eye.
Did not know where to put this in but this book deserves promotion and readership. What an interesting book!
Good post, Sandy. And thank you for promoting our newest anthology, though I'd like to point out that the title is actually Chesapeake Crimes: They Had It Comin'. It's actually the fourth anthology in the Chesapeake Crimes series. Before this volume, we had always put a number in the title, so folks could know which volume it is. But - and here's another bit of wisdom from John - we didn't want readers to wrongly think they needed to buy books 1, 2 and 3 before they purchased volume 4. Since these are short-story anthologies and stand on their own, at John's great suggestion we've forgone using volume numbers in the titles, beginning with this volume. We've instead begun using the theme in the title, such as this one: They Had It Comin', which pretty much says it all.
You're absolutely right, Barb, and I've just deleted the number. I agree with John's reasoning. It looks like the Chessie Chapter is going to publish many more (excellent) anthologies, and the theme is much easier for readers to remember than a number. The number of this one is in my head, though, and made it onto the computer screen, at least briefly. :-)
It's interesting that I hear so many readers say they love mass market pb and never want to give them up, while I also hear constant predictions of their demise. Can publishers phase them out if readers don't want to lose them? Would publishers dare to try?
Personally, I hope we still have enough of a book market to support any and all formats that readers want.
I believe the next anthology is already in the works? These books have proven to be exceedingly popular.
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