Saturday, January 4, 2014

Poe's Deadly Daughters to Say Goodbye on Poe's Birthday

After seven years of stimulating and enjoyable dialogue with each other and you, our readers, Poe's Deadly Daughters have decided to stop writing the blog and devote our attention to our many other projects. We published our first post on Poe's 198th birthday, January 19, 2007, having chosen our name to honor the father of the detective story.

On our first anniversary, we wrote, "What a year it's been!" Of the founding Daughters who have stuck around to post a new piece weekly for the whole seven years, Sandy won an Agatha for Best First Novel, Julia and Liz published their first short stories in anthologies, and the third book in Sharon's series came out. We were named "one of eight top mystery blogs" in Library Journal and praised as "schmooze-worthy" by J. Kingston Pierce of The Rap Sheet and January Magazine. "Most of all," we wrote, "we've had fun!"

We've never stopped having fun, and the pleasure of interacting with our readers has played an enormous part in that. But as 21st-century life gets more and more hectic, reading a favorite blog daily or even weekly has become harder for even the most devoted followers. And writing a 500-800 word post that's entertaining, informative, and polished every week for seven years--well, do the math: 52 x 7 = 364 posts from each of us. And 364 x 700 words (let's be conservative and use an estimated average) = 254,800 words per blogger, or the equivalent of 3½ novels apiece.

We've also interviewed a host of mystery luminaries and welcomed a dazzling array of guest bloggers, far too many to name but ranging from bestsellers to debut authors. For several years, Sharon hosted a Canadian mystery author every month. All those posts, along with ours, will remain available to all in our archives.

Please don't quit now, because we'll still be here till January 19th, Poe's 205th birthday, for another two rounds of blogging, including guest posts from our Deadly Daughters emerita. Here's the full roster of blog sisters, past and present:

Julia Buckley
Sharon Wildwind
Sandra Parshall
Elizabeth Zelvin
Sheila Connolly
Jeri Westerson
Darlene Ryan (aka Sofie Kelly)
Lonnie Cruse

Before we say goodbye, we'll give you full information about our other projects and links to our websites, books, and, in some cases, blogs to which we'll still be contributing. All that information will remain visible when you click on

It's been fun!


  1. I'm sorry to hear that news, but completely understand the tradeoff. I'll miss all the well-written, intelligent posts, though!

  2. I'll miss you. Sigh. But thank you for leaving your websites for us.

    And thank you for all the fascinating posts!

  3. It's been a grand run! All best to all of you as you move on!

  4. To all the "Deadly Daughters" and all participants in this blog,
    I feel like I just discovered you. I'm sad to see you go. In many ways, you helped me when I was attempting to write a mystery (can't say I've mastered it yet). I started out by lurking here and then overcame my shyness and started commenting--you helped with that too.
    I will miss you.

  5. All your comments mean a lot to us! Some of us will still be blogging elsewhere--we'll have all that info for you on Poe's birthday, January 19. :)

  6. Perfectly understandable decision, though I'm sure PD will be missed by a great many fans and casual drop-ins. Bon Voyage

  7. We're going to miss you, too. I second what Liz said, your comments have meant so much to us.

  8. I shall miss you and my daily visit to your site.
    Here's wishing for continued successes for all of you.

  9. So sorry to see this blog go. It's been wonderful, but I sure understand how difficult it's been for all of you to continue to contribute such great info. All the best in your continued writing!

  10. Totally understandable, but sad to see you go!

  11. Sad to see you all stop. Thank you for being so interesting. I've discovered some of you for the first time. I'll be looking for you wherever you roost.

  12. Thanks to all of the Daughters, past and present, for consistently thoughtful, interesting posts. For introducing us to writers and books we didn't know. For sharing useful info on publishing, on inspiration, on creativity, and even on medieval weapons. A good run, indeed!

  13. Sad to see the blog end...but I completely understand. I don't have time to read all the posts for all the blogs I like-I can't imagine how you have the time to write all the posts you well as your books, and other requirements.

  14. I'm a new comer here and I'm sorry to learn of your retirement to do other things. But then, that is a good thing to have time for other endeavors. Good luck to you all.

  15. "All good things..." as they say! I wish you all the best and say thanks for the fun and information!

  16. I'm sorry to see you go, but I'll miss you guys. Hope to see some of you on Facebook.

  17. I've enjoyed the blog over the years! I can understand why it was so time-consuming, with the great content. Thank you!

  18. We'll be around for another two weeks -- and next weekend we'll have posts from Lonnie Cruise, one of the blog founders, and Darlene Ryan, a former PDD who now writes bestselling cozies as Sofie Kelly.

    Thanks for all your kind comments!

  19. You will be missed, PDDs! It's been a great blog. You're going out at the top of your game--not a bad strategy. Two more weeks!

  20. Boy, I sure do understand the reasons you folks are closing the doors. Blogging on a regular basis takes some discipline, but blogging well regularly is a super challenge.

    PDD will be missed. Thanks for the wonderful posts, and best wishes for the continued success of each of you.

  21. Thanks to all of you. It's great to know you all were reading and appreciating our posts. For me, each one was certainly a labor of love.

  22. I will miss this stunningly insightful and informative blog, but I think all writers understand how demanding doing a blog and doing it well can be. Many, many will miss you.

  23. I understand ... but this blog will be missed! Be sure that I will follow each of you as your careers continue, and look forward to seeing what those endeavors bring. Happy New Year!

  24. Sorry to see this blog end. My first interview was on this blog with Julia Buckley. Thanks for all the fine posts!

  25. This blog will be missed, but I'm happy to think you all will be writing your books.

  26. This blog will be missed, but I'm happy to think you all will be writing your books.


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