I was taken aback at a recent dinner party when an author friend referred to writing fiction as “world-building”. I had never really thought of it that way.
But she’s right.
Writing a novel is like constructing a whole new world; one that demands its own internal logic and myriad quirky inhabitants. And I can’t deny that it’s exhilarating, knowing that I’m in charge. Need a major art museum with a dictatorial director? Go for it. A sympathetic villain with a complex past? No problem. Great-looking, romantic men looking for committed relationships? Why not? It’s not fantasy, it’s fiction!
I can do this. After all, I was a whiz with Tinker Toy towns as a kid. In fact, a certain heady god-complex takes over when I’m on a writing roll… Bwah hah hah! (Evil laugh while rubbing hands…) This is MY world and it will do as I—and only I-- see fit!
Only it doesn’t. Just as in the real world, the universes I create in my mind somehow develop their own issues and problems, contradictions and convoluted situations that I then, as their author, am obligated to try to unravel.
Talk about your world-building exercises… How do I create a universe that includes witchcraft –and makes that magical craft an integral part of the mystery and its solution--without crossing the line from “fascinating” to “cheesy”? In my humble opinion the last thing the world needs is another Bewitched redux.
First, I did my homework: I interviewed self-proclaimed witches, went to coven meetings, and researched the history of witchcraft not only in Europe, but around the globe. I learned many fascinating things: If a child is heard to cry while still in the womb, it is assumed by many cultures to be a witch; the Wicca religion is as flexible and variable as those who choose to follow it; and according to the Malleus Maleficarum, known as the Witch Hunter’s Handbook, it was a crime punishable by death NOT to believe in the power of witches.
Above all, I learned that witchcraft –and the accusation of said powers—is not to be taken lightly. Still, specific problems arise with regard to writing a paranormal mystery. For instance, couldn’t a powerful witch just read tarot cards o
My protagonist is rotten at seeing into the future, and frankly she’s a little touchy about the subject. Her life would be much easier –but the mysteries so much less interesting—if only she could look into her crystal ball and figure out what’s what. In the world I created for her, Lily’s powers put her in the unique position to help discover the truth, but she has to work for it just like your average human detective. That’s what makes her struggle to solve the crime compelling; and, I hope, what makes readers empathize with her. She’s powerful, but she’s not all-powerful.
Mystery fiction allows us to spend time in worlds where the good guys always triumph and the murderer’s always caught…sort of. I suppose there are some true noir novels that go a different way. But by and large these are worlds in which even amateur detectives blunder into situations that any sane person would avoid like the plague, and eventually, inevitably, everything turns out for the best. In most mysteries, a good heart, a sharp brain, and sheer determination can lead a person to become their best selves, and to triumph over adversity.
Now that’s a world worth building.
Juliet Blackwell, aka Hailey Lind, is the pseudonym for a mystery author who, together with her sister, wrote the Art Lover’s Mystery Series--including the Agatha-nominated Feint of Art and the IMBA bestsellers Shooting Gallery and Brush with Death. The fourth in the series, Arsenic and Old Paint, will be released in fall, 2010. Juliet’s new paranormal Witchcraft Mystery series begins with Secondhand Spirits (July, 2009), about a witch with a vintage clothing store in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco.
A former anthropologist and social worker, Juliet has worked in Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Italy, the Philippines, and France. She currently resides in a happily haunted house in Oakland, California, where she is a muralist, portrait painter, and recipient of the overly zealous attentions of her neighbor’s black cat, who seems to imagine himself her new familiar. Juliet/Hailey is two-term president of Northern California Sisters in Crime. For more information and to read an excerpt from her new novel, please visit www.julietblackwell.net.
I hadn't thought about it quite like that, but I DO enjoy building worlds. Making it whatever I want, particularly when this world isn't what I want. Thanks for stopping by and blogging with us!
A witch protagonist sounds fun! Will you continue writing your other series with your sister? If so, how do you plan to juggle both series? And after working with a writing partner, what does it feel like to go solo?
'Twas a very enjoyable read. Thanks Sandy for directing me here today.
Lonnie -- Thank YOU all for having me here to guest!
Anon-- I am writing the fourth in the Art series, Arsenic and Old Paint, and it will be out next year. The juggling is a challenge, I won't deny it. It's different writing without a partner...sometimes easier, sometimes harder! I should write a blog about that...!;-)
Theresa -- thanks for reading!
I am reading your book now, and it's great fun!
And how is it that your house is "happily haunted?" Do tell. Have you seen a ghost?
Thanks, Julia! Yes, my home was built in 1911 for a family who remained for 43 years. Their son's daughter lived here until she was 5, and she came to tell us tales about the place.
I know the original owner died in the house (of natural causes). We've found a child's old-fashioned button-up shoe, a dress pattern book from 1916, old bottles, baby pictures...all sorts of things in the basement!
Another couple moved in and remained for another 40+ years, letting the house fall apart a bit, but at least not doing any remodeling.
As to the haunting: Doors open and close by themselves, lights go on and off, and we hear footsteps upstairs when we're downstairs... very spooky, but not scary, oddly enough. We think there may be a dog ghost as well -- we found a canine skeleton buried in the garden, and dog tags. When you garden, you'll often hear a jingle of a dog's collar, and single gloves will go missing, and wind up someplace odd like the kitchen.
Mostly you have the sense that the home is full of...something. Spirits, energy, history, whatever you'd like to call it...luckily it's all benevolent!
Julie, that's amazing stuff! Will you incorporate any of it into the adventures of Lily Ivory in the new series? I see that the second book, A Cast-off Coven, will have something to do with ghosts. I wonder if your resident ghosts would take offense at being portrayed in your novels.
If things like that were going on in our house, neither of our cats would ever come out from under the bed.
With my last book, I had to rebuild the world of 1962. I call that year the last year of innocence -- the year before Kennedy was shot, the civil rights movement became more violent, Vietnam escalated and the women's movement got more, shall I say, frank. I enjoyed spending time back there as I wrote the book. It was peaceful. Agents who have reviewed the manuscript said I did a good job creating a believable world, so enjoyment must have translated into authenticity! Anyway, I also am addicted to SimCity. I wonder how many SimCity world builders are writers.
You have a fan and an order for the vintage clothing series.
We have the coat of the founder of my grandmother's line. It is a Navy officer's from the War of 1812.
My sister took it to a psychic and she was told a story of a fire, two orphan children, and adoption. We've always wondered because there are no records prior to a particular date and it has been researched by many people for over fifty years.
Look forward to reading your new series.
Juliet????? Another name to remember. Sigh... ;)
I can't wait to read this book. Of course the Haight is crawling with witches, always has been!
I love it that you're doing this series. My next book is about a real witch, too - I've been doing that research for a large part of my life. I veer darker, of course... much... and she's not the protagonist, but the femme fatale in my cop's case.
What you're doing, Juliet, is much more like what most witches I know are like.
Hope to see you at TFest and/or BCon!!
Pen N. Hand -- love the name! Fascinating story about the coat -- I do think old clothes have amazing stories to tell.
Alexandra -- I won't be at Thrillerfest, but I'll be at B'con for my birthday! Let's be sure to celebrate -- love your books! And you're right, the Haight is full of witches...
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