After seven years, Poe's Deadly Daughters are saying goodbye, but we hope it's not farewell for good. We've thoroughly enjoyed your company! Here are some of the places you can still find us and our work.
Sandra Parshall
I'll admit I resisted the idea of blogging at first -- but my first novel had been published, my second was coming out soon, and most of the writers I knew had blogs. My friend Lonnie Cruise thought a group blog was a great idea, so did Liz Zelvin and Sharon Wildwind and Julia Buckley, and all my resistance vanished. We fussed around with a name for a while, knowing we wanted to honor our mutual idol but unable to come up with anything that seemed right until Liz's husband presented us with the perfect moniker. We've filled this space for seven years as Poe's Deadly Daughters, stretching ourselves, exploring an incredible variety of topics, and making many, many new friends along the way. I hope we won't lose touch with the closing of PDD but will continue our conversation in other places.
You can find me spending far too much time chatting on my Facebook profile page:
Book news is easy to find on my Facebook author page:
And, of course, my professional website (which will get a major do-over for spring 2014) will always be available:
I'll pop up as a guest blogger for friends from time to time, and in spring of 2014 I plan to launch an individual blog where I will post -- but not on a rigid schedule -- about books, animals, and any other subject that I just can't fit into a short Facebook message. I'll still be around on DorothyL and various other mystery listservs. I'll talk to you there!
Elizabeth Zelvin
I've loved being a Deadly Daughter: having blog sisters, the ongoing conversation with readers, and feeling like a journalist--in fact, a columnist, albeit an unpaid one--every week. I'll still be blogging every other Saturday on SleuthSayers at
You can get the latest news about my mysteries and fiction on my author website at
You can visit me on Facebook at
All my mystery novels are available in both hardcover and e-editions. Many of my stories are available for e-readers, with more to come. Check out my author page on Amazon at
My most recent novel is VOYAGE OF STRANGERS. It's about what really happened when Columbus discovered America. Voyage of Strangers is available for Kindle or Kindle app on your tablet or other device.
You can hear my CD of original songs, Outrageous Older Woman, on my music website at Buy it there or look for Liz Zelvin on Amazon, iTunes, and CD Baby.
In my psychotherapist "hat," I see clients by chat and email on my therapy site at
Jeri Westerson
I feel a little bit like I’m a rude party-goer, last to
arrive and first to leave. I was asked to join this prestigious blog only a few
years ago. At the time, I was writing three other blogs but I thought, why not?
It was a privilege writing alongside some of the hardest working women in the

You can find me at and for my
Skyler Foxe Mysteries under the name Haley Walsh at
Sheila Connolly
I'm a latecomer to the Daughters (only four years tenure), and I was honored to be invited to join them. This blog had always been one of the first I checked each day because the posts were thoughtful, informative and consistently well-written--a high standard to match, and a worthy one to aspire to.
We have seen some extraordinary and rapid changes in the publishing industry during the past few years, and perhaps we have come to believe collectively that this kind of blog is not the best way to reach our readers. Certainly the competition for their attention is fierce and constant.
I know I am grateful to have had the opportunity to challenge myself to write something each week that made me think, and I hope made others think as well. We are all writers first and foremost, and that means we want to reach other people. That won't stop.
I write three mystery series, a few of which you faithful readers have helped to make bestsellers; I also write short stories and standalone books. That's not going to change, all things willing.
You can find me on my website (currently undergoing a major and long-awaited overhaul) and on Facebook. I will also still be blogging at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen on Fridays, and on Killer Characters on the 25th of each month.
It has been a pleasure to share our journey with you.
Sharon Wildwind
The last quote of the week
To the make of a Piper
goes seven years of his own learning
and seven generations before.
At the end of these seven years,
one born to it will stand at the start of
And learning, a fond ear to the drone he may
have to parlay with old folks of old affairs.
It is said, "When a Piper plays, he's in touch with the past.
The sense of being at one with generations of long ago is totally
- Neil Munro, Gaelic writer, (1863 to 1930)
How fitting to be moving on after seven years. It has been such a pleasure to get to know all of you. I have profited so much by all of the comments and private e-mails we have exchanged.
I love the part about, after seven years, standing at the start of knowledge. That's the way I feel. I'm still trying to get this writers' thing. I look forward to continuing our relationship on my web site, and on Twitter @sharww.
Julia Buckley
It's been lovely sharing a blog for seven years with these fun, intelligent women who happen to share my love for mystery novels. I'm glad that Lonnie and Darlene have posted, as well, since they were among the founders of the blog, and it was Lonnie Cruse who asked me if I'd like to join the gang. Thanks, Lonnie!
I will miss being a part of PDD, but I'll be around. I have a new series coming out from Berkley next year, and I hope you'll watch for it either at my website,, or on Facebook (friend me under Julia Buckley or Julia Buckley mystery novels). My twitter handle is JuliaBucks. And I'll still maintain my blog Mysterious Musings, where I've interviewed close to 200 mystery writers.
Happy New Year to you all! I hope to see you all regularly in all of the cyber places where the lovers of good books gather to celebrate reading and writing.