Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Day Before

Sharon Wildwind

Today, none of us, including me, are interested in writing tips. I hope this day is full of friends, laughter, anticipation, and peace. I hope there are great smells coming from your kitchen. I'm making cornbread dressing and pecan cookies.
Find moments for yourself. Drink tea. Relax. See you on the flip side.

Hugs all around,


  1. Same to you, Sharon. Love the snowman! Having had turkey for Chanukah, we're having pot roast for Xmas. We're having our Xmas with the grandkids today, and we've made the radical decision to open our presents with them instead of waiting for Xmas morning. I can afford to skip delaying gratification for once, having paid my dues by submitting manuscripts to editors and agents for the past ten years. ;)

  2. Hear, hear! My daughter arrived safely through the uncertain weather (mostly rain), the tree is decorated, the presents are wrapped--so all that's left is having fun together.

    May everyone have a wonderful holiday.

  3. Liz, love the skipping delayed gratification. We had cornbread dressing at Thanksgiving, so we're having bread and apple dressing (my mother-in-law's favorite) for Christmas. I'm making the cornbread dressing just for me.

    Sheila glad to hear your daughter has arrived. Nollaig Shona.

  4. Same to Sharon. Sounds like fun at your home.
