Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Sharon Wildwind

Okay, so . . .

An incredibly handsome prince asked me to fly to Paris with him for lunch in Paris. We were just being served our Brittany blue lobster with curried cucumber and coconut milk at Le Bristol, when I slapped my forehead and said, “Mon Dieu, it’s Tuesday and I haven’t written a blog!”

UM . . .

One of out stuffed animals tried bull riding at the Calgary Stampede and got the stuffing knocked out of him. We were up all night at the stuffed animal hospital waiting for the stufferinarian to put him back together and by the time we got home at 4:00 AM, I fell into bed and forgot the blog.

How about . . .

Aliens have landed in the commons area and, as I write this one-handed, I’m fighting them off with a ray gun with the other hand?

Basically . . .

I forgot today was Tuesday. So there is no blog. Read a book instead, play with your children, go out for a lovely lunch on a patio somewhere.

You and I will reconvene here next week. Have a good week off.


  1. Sharon, those are some fine fantasies. I might steal them for my next daydreaming session.

  2. LOL! It's summertime, Sharon. I think everybody's brain goes on vacation in late July.

  3. My brain certainly did. The only reason I realized it was Tuesday was that we take a vitamin supplement on Wednesday. I got the bottle off the shelf, said to myself, "No, tomorrow is vitamin day. Today is only Tuesday . . . Oh, my gosh!
