Saturday, February 13, 2010

Guest Blogger Kaye Barley sends Valentine wishes . . .

By Kaye Barley

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love email.

I love the internet.

I love Facebook and blogs and DorothyL.

Staying in touch with friends has always been important to me, but I’m probably one of those really annoying people who takes it all a step too far by constantly sending everyone “stuff” I think they really need to see. Snippets of information, pictures, or those funny captioned dogs and cats from I can has cheezburger? or I has a hotdog (I love those!).

I do not like email chain letters. When they first started hitting my computer, I continually fell for the line that said “If you send this to 300,000 people you’ll get a surprise on your screen.” I never ever did see that surprise. Did you? Did anyone?! What WAS it??!

And while I love all the immediate gratification of instant communication, I miss long newsy letters showing up in my mailbox. My “real” mailbox. The one the snowplow knocks over at least once a year.

And I miss those silly little valentine cards.

Remember when you were in school and would exchange valentines with your classmates?

Weren’t they the cutest?!

And there was always a special one for the boy you “liked.”

They didn’t always make any sense . . . .

And, like a lot of things back then, they weren’t always politically correct (but they certainly never hurt anyone) . . .

They were just fun

UNLESS – you didn’t get a valentine back from that boy you liked.

You either love or hate Valentine’s Day. There are the romantics who love it, and there are those who are of a mind that Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays made up by florists and greeting card manufacturers to take their money.

I love it.

I don’t expect presents on Valentine’s Day. Don’t have to have candy or flowers. But ohhhhhh – if there’s not a valentine card somewhere around the house with my name on it, I am going to be one very unhappy woman.

I’ll be tickled pink if I receive all the valentines imaginable over the internet from friends. My girlfriends are always able to come up with funny and clever things that do make me laugh, or smile, or even cry, and I love that.


Donald Scott Barley better never ever never send me a virtual valentine in lieu of the real thing. Nuh uh. And if it happens, well – y’all will hear about it. For real.

As silly as it may be, I would be crushed.

You knew that, didn’t you?

How about you guys? Do you love Valentine’s Day or hate it? Not give it a thought? Do you expect candy, flowers and a card? All of the above? None of the above? Will you, like me, pitch a hissy if you don’t receive a Valentine Card?

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Thanks to the wonderful women at Poe’s Deadly Daughters for having me here!


  1. The best valentine I ever received wasn't a card. It was the first year of our marriage and we were quite poor, living in a tiny trailer at Camp LeJeune. My Valentine was a wire coathanger, bent into a heart with a branch of flowering wild plum in the middle.

    Happy Valentine's Day, you all!

  2. Kaye, you're my Valentine and that of many other writers! My favorite Valentine's memory is the year I realized I didn't have to remind my hubby it was coming up (some would call it nagging), since between TV ads and store windows, he couldn't possibly forget. So I said nothing (not easy for me!)--and he gave me a golden heart locket with a teensy weensy ruby in it (big ticket item for us) that I wear every February 14 to this day.

  3. Mornin' Everyone - How fun to be here!

    Happy Valentine's Weekend!

    Vicki - I am convinced your John is one of the dearest men alive. How many people really have this kind of imagination along with thoughtfulness?? (and y'all - the man cooks and bakes beautifully!!)

    Liz, what a sweetheart you are. Thank You. You always say the sweetest things, and I appreciate it. And I love your husband's thoughtfulness with the locket and love even more that you still wear it every Feb. 14th. I'm convinced it's these types of small gestures that make a lovely marriage.

    Donald can't possibly forget Valentine's Day (aside from being married to a nag like me), 'cause it also happens to be his birthday weekend (today's the day). We had dinner out last night, and today I'm baking him a Chocolate Walnut Pound Cake in my new heart shaped bundt pan. Hard to tell where the birthday celebration ends, and the Valentine celebration begins, so we just gave up trying.

  4. I got lucky recently and found some antique Valentines like the cards you posted here, Kaye, at an antique store. I've got them in a bowl in my living room. Best Valentine I ever received? Hmmm. A heart necklace from Hubby. I usually get candy which I REALLY don't need this year. Diet, anyone? I hope Hubby is listening.

    You are one of my fave Valentines too, Kaye, thanks for posting with us.

  5. We don't usually do anything for Valentine's Day, which is actually ok, because my birthday is just three days later. Most of the time that's where all the fun comes in!

    My step-grandpa's birthday was on Valentine's (he's no longer with us). One of my aunts made him a quilt one year that had hearts appliqued on it. I have pictures of them with it.

    And I have a couple of friends who are Valentine's babies.

  6. Lonnie - What treasures you found!! For a collector of old Valentine cards like you, that was a HUGE find! I love those old cards, but don't have any - I think I'd have to frame one or two.

    A quilt with hearts. TOO lovely!!!!! There's just something about anything with a heart design that touches me - I'll bet that quilt is an absolute beauty!!

    JUST taken Donald's birthday/Valentine cake out of the oven. Pretty Pretty! Hope it tastes yummy. The last one of these I did was on the dry side.

  7. Happy birthday to your Donald! And happy Valentine's Day to both of you. It's so nice to have you here for a visit, Kaye.

    Do kids still give out Valentines at school? Is there anyone of a certain age who doesn't have a heartbreaking story about being overlooked during those massive exchanges of Valentines in grade school?

  8. Mornin' Sandie - Happy Valentine's Day to you too.

    You know, I saw a package of those little Valentine cards in the grocery store last week and I almost picked one up to send a few through the mail. I didn't but now I wish I had. Next year!

  9. Kaye! I would have commented sooner but my internet connection was down for two days. Nightmare. I do love Valentine's Day. Thank you for this lovely post.

    Vicki, that is the loveliest valentine story I've ever heard.

  10. I am still waiting for my first valentine as I still not got my prince charming and I hope at next valentine day I have company of him.

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