Saturday, August 29, 2009

Guest Blogger Debbi Mack on Print Books

Print Books Will Never Die
by Debbi Mack

That headline makes a pretty bold statement, doesn't it? Especially when you consider that e-book sales have skyrocketed, since Amazon introduced the Kindle in 2007. It's a small segment of the market now, but it's growing super-fast. So it looks like e-books are for real and here to stay. What with Kindle and services like Smashwords and Scribd, publishers are finally sitting up and taking notice (rather nervously, I would imagine).

On the one hand, e-books can be seen as an author's boon. Why fuss with a publisher when you can issue an e-book? You have the potential to make more money, and as for marketing and promotion, you can do it all online. No expensive book tours, promo mailings or even conference appearances. The days of worrying about getting books in stores will be over. We can all just sit at our computers, update our blogs and Facebook pages, and Twitter to our heart's content. And even attend virtual conferences, like PP Web Con, [] touted as "The World's First Virtual Mystery Convention." Pretty cool, right?

Well . . . okay, but doesn't it seem like something's missing from this equation? Like actually meeting people? Friending people on Facebook is fine, but is it really the same as meeting an author or reader in the flesh? And you can't buy a fellow author or agent a drink in a "coffee shop" chat room, can you?

And even if our marketing isn't all online, won't in-person marketing change dramatically? For one thing, what will happen to the book signing? When I first started thinking about this, I thought that e-books couldn't be signed. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Yes, I've heard it's possible even now to sign books on certain e-reader devices and may be possible for Kindle e-books, sometime after they start making and selling the Kindle Pen, [] which has many uses including writing annotations (and, presumably, signing autographs) within a Kindle e-book. I even heard of a man who attended a book signing with his Kindle, downloaded an e-book on the spot and and asked the author to autograph his Kindle reader. Not the same thing, buddy. But the advent of a signable e-book changes a bookseller's marketing strategy in dramatic ways. Signings are supposed to be events that promote both author and bookseller. The big chains are developing e-readers of their own [] to compete with Amazon. But e-books don't require brick-and-mortar shelf space. Will all bookstores convert to online operations? Will the independents be able to make the adjustment? Will bookstore signings become a thing of the past?

The real question is: will e-books really usurp print books eventually? They have the benefits of low cost, easy purchase and storage, portability, and you can even get them signed electronically. Gee, what's left for print books to boast about? Oh, there's definitely something. There are differences. There are reasons to think that no matter how big e-books get, there will always be a market for print books.

Now, before you go calling me an old fogy or Luddite, consider this. In an age of digital music, iPods and MP3s, guess what product is selling now? Vinyl records. Yes, vinyl records have made a comeback. According to a June 3, 2009 article, "The Vinyl Revival and the Resurrection of Sound" [], "vinyl sales rose 14% between 2006 and 2007, from 858,000 to 990,000. In comparison, CD sales have nosedived over the past three years, from 553.4 million in 2006 to 360.6 million in 2008. MP3 sales grew from 32.6 million to 65.8 million during the same time period, according to SoundScan. And in 2009, vinyl sales figures continue to rise."

So, let's get this straight--CD sales dropped, online music sales rose and vinyl record sales went up, too? And continue to rise? Hmm . . . methinks there's an analogy to be made here.

One of the reasons for the vinyl revival seems to be that the experience of listening to records differs from digital music. I would argue the same for reading print books as opposed to e-books. I don't care what kind of technical wizardry they devise to reduce screen flicker, improve resolution and so on. Reading a printed page will always be slightly different from reading a screen. Even the experience of holding an e-reader differs from that of a print book.).

Another reason is what the article called "the collectible factor." You might be able to collect thousands upon thousands of MP3s and e-books, but you can't display them or hand them around for others to admire. And what will they be worth as collectibles? (There's no such thing as a rare e-book, is there?)

Finally, there's the occasionally amazing album cover art (substitute the word "book" for "album" and you'll see where I'm going with this). Sure, your e-book could have a digital "cover"--but, again, will it provide the same experience as holding a real book with a real cover in your hand? Think of the difference between seeing an original Van Gogh and a digital replica. Yeah, I'd say there's a difference.

Thus, while print books may eventually become less popular than e-books, I don't think they'll disappear. In fact, I think print books are even more likely to survive than their vinyl record counterparts. They can co-exist with e-books and will continue to be enjoyed as keepsakes, collectibles or simply as tangible things.

Oh, and by the way, what's the warranty on your print books? Exactly.

Debbi Mack's novel IDENTITY CRISIS features lawyer-sleuth Stephanie Ann "Sam" McRae in a hardboiled mystery involving a complex case of murder and identity theft. It's available in print through [], Amazon and other online sellers and as--yes--an e-book through Amazon, [] the Scribd Store [] and Smashwords. [] Debbi's stort stories have been published in CHESAPEAKE CRIMES and The Back Alley Webzine []. She'll have a short story published in CHESAPEAKE CRIMES 4 coming from Wildside Press in March 2010. Her Web site is, and she has two fiction-related blogs: Debbi Mack: My Life on the Mid-List] (a few reflections on the writing life) and The Book Grrl [] (news, reviews and other stuff about all types of books--especially crime fiction--and the publishing industry).


  1. None of the print books I have have ever had their battery run out. And if I drop one of my print books, it generally doesn't break.

    I suspect the rise in vinyl record sales is more due to nostalgia and a thirst for something different than anything else. The fact is that a digital CD will always deliver better sound than an analog record can. I think you're right about the opposite being true about books. The words on a page will probably always give a more rich reading experience than images on a screen -- at least for our generation. Our grandchildren might look on paper books as we do toward typewriters now.

    In any case, I think used bookstores will be among the last bastions of printed books, long after the brick and mortar conventional bookstores have died.

  2. I've learned not to make predictions where technology is concerned. For quite a while, many (maybe most) people thought e-readers would never catch on -- unpleasant to the eyes, cold in the hands, etc. -- but apparently Amazon can persuade us to buy and use almost anything. With technology, a single year can seem like a lifetime. I hope printed books will never die, but if they do I hope it won't happen in my lifetime because I don't want to see it.

  3. A calligrapher friend tells me that in her world, they are having the same discussions about handwriting that we do about printed books. It doesn't seem safe to trust that anything we think of as permanent can't be superseded.

  4. My goodness! Comments already. Well, let's see.

    First, Paul, you start off with an excellent point. Print books don't break, don't need batteries, don't need to be upgraded, won't become obsolete (technically, anyway). As for CDs having better sound quality than vinyl, I've heard people argue the opposite is true. I know die-hard music lovers who'll swear to you that vinyl records produce a richer sound. I've never noticed the difference myself. I just know you don't get the pops and cracks from CDs that you get from scratched vinyl. So . . . I guess it's trade-off of sorts?

    I don't think we can trust old technologies not to be superceded. It happens all the time. We use light bulbs, not candles. We drive cars instead of horse-drawn buggies. But reading books is about more than just reading words. I suspect printed books as collectible items and an alternative to reading from screens will be with us for as long as someone is willing to keep the presses operating. Someone was doing it with vinyl records, and I thought they were dead.

    As for predictions, they're all educated guesses. I'm no expert, but even if e-books become the norm, I think there will always be a place for print, for whatever reason. Eye strain from reading screens constantly, its value as a potential collectible, just the feel of a book in one's hand or simply (from an author's perspective) being able to hold it up and say, "I wrote this."

    Ever since I got IDENTITY CRISIS reissued, talking about my book with people has completely changed. It's one thing to say you have a novel e-published (response: nod and a smile "That's nice") and another to have a book in hand (response: "Ooh! Let me see it! That's a really nice cover." Flip through, read back of book description. "This sounds good.")

    Okay, you get the idea. Maybe the switchover to e-books will mean a sea change in our marketing approach. Even so . . . I don't know, maybe I am a dinosaur. LOL!

    Sorry to ramble. This comment turned into a whole 'nuther blog post. :)

  5. Oh, and one more thing. We still buy candles and ride in horse-drawn buggies. Just for different reasons.

    Okay, I'm done. :)

  6. Analogue or digital audio, it depends how much one spends, a good analogue system will out perform a poor digital one. The popular MP3 format uses a "lossy compression algorithm" which inherently dumps a lot of information, whilst still retaining a "faithful" reproduction of the original recording.

    The book analogy also extends to the problem of archiving digital photographs. I have family photos from around a hundred years ago in the form of contact prints. What do I do with my digital ones to preserve them for future generations?

    Still, got to keep moving forward and enjoy the wonders of the digital age.

  7. Although we have digital HD TV (one set, anyway, the one we use the most; the other set gets basic analog cable), I think the forced switch to digital was a really dirty trick. People who can't afford any kind of cable, much less the high-priced digital box and a new set to use it with, have been more or less dumped from the TV-viewing audience. Yeah, they can buy a converter box... more money for something that used to be free, at a time when so many are losing their jobs and can't afford any kind of entertainment except TV. I know the reasons for the switch, but I think it was unfair and should not have been forced on anyone.

  8. I agree about people being forced to buy cable or a converter box or have no t.v. A relative of mine is in that boat. It is absurd and a profit boon to the cable companies.

    On cd's vs. records. I have both. CD's are more convenient; there's a stack near the player now. But I will not part with my favorite records from Billie Holiday to Pete Seeger to Theolonius Monk, the Beatles and more from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s.
    I still play a few sometimes.

    On books, I only read print books. When I go into a bookstore and see new books displayed, I feel like I'm entering a bakery; it's exciting, delightful and an adventure.

    I'll only read books I can hold in my hands, put next to my bed in a pile, read the author's biography, list of other books, blurbs and back-cover comments. No way will them up.

    It would be like giving up friends.

    Kathy D.

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    The [url=] nicotine patch[/url] can normally be purchased without a doctor's drug, to whatever manner because someone may not be masterful to exploit the plat if they are entrancing formula medications or suffer from cardiovascular malady and other consanguineous health conditions it is unendingly finest to seek medical guidance from a doctor ex to using a nicotine patch.
    On one occasion you start a uniform smoking cessation treatment involving the profit by of nicotine patches you should regularly consult with your doctor to storm steady there are no complications from the employ of this product. Additionally, if you had a medical teach that previously prevented you from using a nicotine sew up you may hanker after to check with your doctor because there drink been some instances where the medical cautions and advisories have changed or been lowered.
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    Standard side effects while undergoing treatment with the territory encompass worry stomach, diarrhea, incapacity, headaches, blurred chimera and dizziness. A person's sleeping patterns may become altered when using a nicotine patch. There possess also been some cases of users reporting a built excited, itchy excitement on the coat limit where the responsibility is applied which normally dissipates encircling 45 to 60 minutes after being applied.
    Because some smokers may contain a higher wing as well as to nicotine then others, the nicotine patches run across in varying strengths from a powerful patch down to a cut potency patch. This also allows for a moderate cessation program, which reduces the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
    If you do aim up deciding to use the nicotine mend as your method to released from smoking generate stable to seek medical advice maiden and adhere to the appropriate procedures when using the tract, which normally means applying a chic piece day after day to your wealthy body focusing on clean skin without any mane present.

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