Monday, March 24, 2008

Writer's Retreats

by Julia Buckley

Every spring my family and I take a little trip--just a quick getaway during our Easter break. Last year our retreat was buried deep in the Michigan woods--a lovely place that inspired peace and eventual inspiration (see photo above). By the very next DAY, however, we found ourselves under a winter storm watch (and it was April, mind you) and our retreat looked like this:

This year Easter came much earlier, as we all know, and so we may be facing even colder weather on our "spring retreat." Unfortunately, I made arrangements dreaming of warmer weather. Our hideaway is right on the river, with a little balcony from which we can watch the boats:

The weather forecast for Michigan tells me that the temps should be somewhere between 30 and 40; I'm not foreseeing too much balcony time, nor do I think too many people will want to take their boats out on the frigid water. But who knows? Maybe this weather and the quiet, off-season time in a resort town will be the very thing I need to inspire all sorts of writing.

So, as I pack and head off to our cold spring break, I ask you: what's your favorite writer's or reader's retreat?


  1. Julia, is that South Haven or Benton Harbor, MI?
    I loved my stay overlooking the harbor at Benton Harbor. Of course, that was late April and much warmer. I love MI.

  2. What, you mean people take time off? I haven't been anywhere that wasn't business-related since I started writing (unless you count tagging along with my husband on a business trip to Australia, which was wonderful but left no time for writing).

    But if I had my druthers, I'd be in a small stone cottage in Co. Cork, with a distant view of the sea, sheep lowing in the meadow, larks winging through the air...and an internet connection.

  3. Cait, it's actually Saugatuck, which is just down the road from South Haven. And I've been to Benton Harbor many times!

    Sheila, you are a talented writer, because your brief description made me long for a place I've never seen.

    Thanks to you both!

  4. My favorite writing retreat is our sun porch and I should be out there right now. Wow, loved the snowy picture! Have fun on your retreat.

  5. Saugatuck? Thought that picture looked familiar! (I lived in the Holland area for many years.) Is the chain ferry still in operation? In summer, I mean. I'm sure it's not working in March! Brrr...

    Took lots of bike rides to Saugatuck, back then. We'd sit in the back of the drugstore, all hot and sweaty, and suck down root beer floats as if they didn't have any calories. The good old days.

    Gee, I should have had one of Lonnie's Coke floats :)

    Janet K.

  6. The retreat was great, thanks! Janet, I'm not sure about the chain ferry, but there is a dinner cruise and tours of the giant ship Keewatin.

    We mostly walked around (the shops were closed, for the most part) and enjoyed the view from our little deck.


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