Friday, March 21, 2008

Coke floats and lovely librarians, ahhhhhh . . .

By Lonnie Cruse

Last Saturday, March 15th, I held the official launch of my new book, FIFTY-SEVEN HEAVEN at the Metropolis Public Library, in Metropolis, IL. The book actually came out from Five Star in December, 2007, but with the uncertainty of the weather in this area between late November and early March, I decided it was safest to schedule it mid-March. Thankfully, we missed the last snow storm which hit us the weekend before. Whew! It did, however, rain cats and dogs. Sigh.

FIFTY-SEVEN HEAVEN isn't set in the 50's, but does feature a couple who grew up then. Like me. And it was a fun time in history. So I decided to hold a contest for best 50's outfit worn to the the launch. I also offered free Coke Floats to all attendees. I gotta tell ya, my hubby makes a mean Coke Float. So does my son, Joe. Everybody loved 'em.

I must take time to brag on the librarians at the Metropolis Public Library. Always supportive of my books, they went above and beyond for me this time with cookies and cupcakes AND dressing in Fifties garb! Thankfully they requested not to be included in the contest because no way could I choose between Mary Pansing's jean pedal pushers and white bobby socks, Karen Laird's red poodle skirt and black poodle shirt, Cheryl McQueen's black checkered skirt and poodle shirt, or Beverly Adams' pink skirt and bobby socks. Way to celebrate the 50's, ladies! My own outfit was jeans, blue jean heels (which I rarely wear, can't stand up in 'em) and a pink tee covered by a longsleeved shirt, both decorated with 50's items, including the obligatory poodle, and with the collar turned up.

Contest winner, Teyoni Sheve, (pictured right and it's pronounced Tea-on-e) received a free signed copy of my book. She's not wearing her 50's outfit in this picture. I forgot to take the picture at the time, so had to connect with her later. Congrats, Teyoni! Hope you enjoy the book.

I've always loved libraries, but as an author with Five Star, they are my bread and butter. I can not thank the Metropolis Library and the librarians enough for their continuing help and support.

And if you haven't had a Coke Float lately, you are really missing something. Yummm! But according to hubby, put the vanilla ice cream in FIRST. Otherwise, the Coke sort of, um, explodes everywhere when you drop the ice cream in last. And when you launch your books, consider your local library for the setting. Great place to attract book lovers.


  1. Lonnie, the launch party sounds wonderful. Librarians are some of my favorite people too. They really do know everything.

  2. My very first author's "talk" was at the San Diego Public library. The staff went way out of their way to make it a comfortable and fun event--we were all laughing and like old friends by the end. I've enjoyed every appearance at libraries, and I just love being in them.

  3. Congrats -- my first book with Five Star releases in December, and your ideas are great. I've done a program at my local library, and several other have expressed interest.

  4. Hi, Lonnie,

    Congrats on your launch party. Librarians are great people. I used to be one myself.

    A fellow Five Star/Gale author,

    Jacqueline Seewald

  5. Thanks, ladies, for stopping by to read my post!


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