Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Shennong Stream

Margaret Mendel (Guest Blogger)

About a year and a half ago I began writing a novel based in Asia. The ideas started to bubble up. I had no idea what the Orient was like. An aspect of my novel takes place in southern China and an area along the Yangtze River. So, my husband and I decided to take a look at this part of the world.

One of the side trips we took while traveling the Yangtze River was to the Shennong Stream. I had no idea what to expect when we got there. A sampan ride through a minor gorge was all that we had been told.

So, after breakfast we disembarked from our cruise ship, clambered onto a ferry and headed down a rather large stream at the mouth of the Wu Gorge and away from the Yangtze River. Though the water voyage so far had been quiet and peaceful we soon entered another level of silence. The limestone cliffs shot up higher and the river became narrow. The soft, almost furry looking hills soon became craggy mountains with huge fields of thick brush that looked sharp and unfriendly.

The journey to a place called Dadong took about an hour. Our ferry glided up to a wooden shack moored on the riverbank. We stepped out onto a rickety old dock. We were herded through a gift shop and out a door to where 20 or 30 sampans were waiting.
The men waiting in the sampans were farmers who had been displaced by the rising water of the Three Gorges Dam. Now they are ‘boat trackers’ and they take tourists on rides up the Shennong Stream. Once everyone had settled into a sampan and life jackets were securely fastened, we set off up stream. As we glided along the water was so clear at times that I could count the pebbles passing under the sampan.

These riverbanks have been inhabited since the Han Dynasty and the primary ethnic group of this river valley has always been the Thuja people. But much of this area is soon going to disappear. Since the beginning of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, the water level has risen approximately 155 meters at the mouth of the Shennong Stream. Much of the previously scenic vertical gorge is now submerged. By the completion of the dam construction in 2009, a further 20 meters of the gorge will be under water.

When we arrived at a small rapid the boat trackers jumped into the water. Each man threw a harness like contraption over his shoulder and they began to pull the sampan through the quickly moving water.
It was all a bit thrilling but not dangerous. They hauled us through the water until we reached a section of the stream that was too shallow for a boat to go any further. It was time for lunch. Most of us shared our food with the boat trackers who had brought nothing to eat. We sat in the middle of this very ancient place in the wilds of China eating boiled eggs and fresh fruit.

Told that we could not get out of the boats, we were treated to gifts of pebbles that the boat trackers gathered from the stream bottom. Then as abruptly as we had stopped for lunch the boatmen grabbed up their harnesses and pulled us back out into the deeper water.

Headed back to the tour boat our guide pointed out ‘hanging coffins’. These coffins stowed in caves and crevices on the high vertical limestone cliffs are evidence of the early settlements in this area.
The coffins were carved from a single section of a tree trunk, with some coffins measuring 90 centimeters in diameter. The coffins are typically located 30 to 150 meters from the top of the bluff and 25 to 70 meters above the river surface. Most commonly a coffin is placed on two sturdy hewn poles that have been wedged within the limestone cleft or cave to form a level platform for the coffin to rest.

The Three Gorges Dam construction has destroyed many of these coffins, though some are being retrieved for cultural presentation and archeological study. One such coffin has been preserved and now sits on display at the White Emperor’s Palace, within an historical Taoist Temple situated high above the inundated level along the Yangtze River.

The Three Gorges Dam has covered countless acres of farmland and has displaced millions of families forcing them to find new ways of earning a living. I still have my pebble from the Shennong Stream, a simple white stone with black spots. I remember the man who gave it to me. His hands were coarse and weather worn. They were farmer’s hands.

Margaret Mendel has a Masters in Psychology and an MFA in writing from Sarah Lawrence College. She has published stories in Global City Review,, and the anthology MURDER NEW YORK STYLE. She has won two awards from the Bronx Council on the Arts.


  1. Nancy Pickard did it to us! We can do it to you!
    You're tagged.

    check here for details!

    Happy Holidays from Hallie, Hank, Jan, Roberta and Rosemary!

  2. Thank you for a thought-provoking piece, Margaret.

    Environmental degradation in China is an abiding concern of mine -- primarily, I have to admit, because I am so alarmed by the damage done to the habitat of some of the world's most endangered animals. The giant panda has been driven to the brink of extinction by destruction of its habitat at the hands of humans, and the catch-up effort to save pandas being made by the Chinese government now is rushed and in many ways harmful to the very animals that are supposed to be helped. But the Chinese people themselves have also suffered because of their government's blunders. The US has already made most of the same mistakes and continues to make some of them. And our world becomes less livable with every year that passes. You'd think, wouldn't you, that at some point human beings would wise up?

  3. I didn't have to go all the way around the world to see these blunders first hand, but OMG there is just too much to take in when visiting this country. China is working very fast to catch up with the rest of the world and they are re-inventing the term urban renewal!!! Anything old is being torn down...Ah, here I go...I must stop...I could go on and on about all the things we saw and experinced...Sandra you really would be angered and totally facinated by what you would see if you went to China.

  4. Margaret, I have some friends who are Chinese (living in the West), and they are probably more disgusted and alarmed by what's happening there than those of us who have no ethnic ties. China is a country that wants to be seen as modern, yet the government still sanctions the sale of body parts from tigers (which will be extinct in the wild within a few years) to aid male virility. I want to scream across the miles, "Haven't you people heard of Viagra??"

    I don't believe for one minute that Beijing's air will miraculously be made breathable by the opening of the Summer Olympics. It will be interesting to see what happens and how China deals with the inevitable negative press coverage. I don't envy the athletes.

  5. Wow. I haven't been down the Yangtse, but the last time I went down a river on a raft in China, the mere thought of touching the filthy water was enough to make us glad we'd all had our typhoid shots. (The Belgian boys who were with us waded shoeless in the water and ALL had weird fungus on their feet the next day.)
    Your story reminded me of the damage that has been done to the beautiful canyons of the Colorado River and to the artwork and artifacts left by the Anasazi (aka Ancestral Pueblo) and Navajo peoples because of the Lake Powell reservoir....


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