Monday, December 3, 2007

Sartre's Notion of Otherness and Acceptable Polar Bear Attacks

By Julia Buckley

Dear PDD Readers, I have to keep this short today because I am still finishing a paper for my graduate class. It is entitled "Adoption and Sartre's Notion of Otherness." In it I explore my relationship with my adopted sister and toy with the idea that society always wanted our family to "explain" her, even though she is just as American as anyone else, being a naturalized citizen of Chinese descent. In researching the paper I have immersed myself in the writings of sociologists, psychologists, and literary critics so that I might develop a most educated opinion.

So my brain is just about fried. :)

However, in honor of our mystery blog, I'll tell you a funny story. My dad sent me an e-mail entitled "Polar Bear Attack in North Manitoba." Now, my father has been known to send me some rather shocking e-mails, some of which are traffic fatalities captured by security cameras (which he sends as a way of telling me to be careful at the wheel. Scared straight, and all that).

Needless to say, I was very fearful about the Polar Bear e-mail; yet, being a mystery SOLVER, I wanted to open it. I did, and saw this:

Sorry, but I can't attribute these photos to anything but an unsigned e-mail that is getting passed around. Cute though, aren't they?

Okay, back to the books. :)


  1. The polar bear is supposed to be the most fearsome land predator. Looking at these photos, I can see why!

    Paul Lamb

  2. Polar bears have far more to fear from humans than we have to fear from them. Global warming caused by human activity is rapidly melting the ice the bears must have in order to hunt their only prey, seals. Some bears are already having great difficulty finding food. Predictions are that polar bears in the wild will all starve and become extinct within 25 years, and the only ones left will be the bears in zoos. Pardon the sermon, but this is a subject that deeply alarms and saddens me.

  3. This may be the polar bear cub at the Berlin zoo. He's a charmer, all right.

    Alberta Fish and Wildlife has---twice in the past year---relocated a polar bear from northern Alberta back to the high Arctic. If you've got a map handy, you'll see that the polar bear made quite a trek south.

  4. I agree, Paul. Such a fierce little thing. :)

    Sandra, what I read was that they are in danger of drowning because they have such far distances to swim between ice floes, and they become exhausted.

    That's pretty amazing, Sharon!

  5. That little guy must have gotten lost, which isn't hard to do in Manitoba. I was there this past summer, and after you leave Winnepeg, it's just backcountry...very little of the human encroachment we have in the US. It's easy for humans to get lost there! Julia, I would be interested in knowing what conclusions you come to in your paper. As you know, I have two children adopted from South Korea, and they find it quite funny when people ask for explanations. They respond that they look like their mother...then everyone looks at me. Just their teen humor.
    Mary Beth


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