Monday, November 26, 2007

Mysteries for Christmas

by Julia Buckley
I have a big family, and years ago we decided to pick names out of a hat before Christmas so that each of us is only responsible for one person's Christmas wishes when we meet at the big December gathering.

Because of this, my parents and siblings have instructed me to send my Christmas list pronto, because some people like to shop early. Ironically, even though I spend the entire year being wistful about things I wish I had, I can never think of anything to put on my wish list when I am actually required to make one. :)

One year there were several great mysteries debuting at the same time; I put them all on my list and my brother, who had picked my name, bought them all and put them in an attractive basket wrapped up in red ribbon. It was one of the best presents I've gotten in recent memory.

So of course I'd like to choose more mysteries this year, but I've kind of lost track of what's out there right now, aside from a couple of neat ARCS I've been reading. Here's my question: What are the books you think I should put on the list? Which mysteries would make me the happiest this Christmas? I'm open to any mystery type except extreme violence (although I don't mind some grisly crime scene descriptions). I like cozies, noir, thrillers, suspense, romantic suspense, hard-boiled, procedurals. Thanks to my reading of Peter Rozovsky's blog, I'm also open to foreign mysteries; I've greatly enjoyed Henning Mankell, and I am ready to branch out.

So, mystery lovers, let me have it! I'll take your suggestions and forward them to my Kris Kringle. Thanks!


  1. Hmmm.... How's this for starters?

    Clea Simon has a new coffeehouse mystery out; Natalie Roberts has a new dance mystery; John Lamb has a new teddy bear mystery. Oh, and T IS FOR TRESPASS is due to be released next week....

  2. Wow--see, I did not know that, and I've read all of Grafton's books. I'll check out Clea's, Natalie's and John's online. Thanks, Marlyn!

  3. Clea will be my guest here on Wednesday for an interview. Her new book, Cries and Whiskers, comes out Dec. 15. I've read it and it's excellent, like her first two.

  4. Dick Francis' Under Orders is now out in paperback, it's his first novel since his wife died in 200. Also, if you've not read it, I'd recomend To The Hilt, which is still my favorite of his.

  5. If you like short stories, there's MURDER NEW YORK STYLE, just out, which includes ('scuse the BSP) my story "Death Will Clean Your Closet" along with a broad range of offerings by members of Sisters in Crime's New York TriState chapter.

  6. Thanks Sandra. And anonymous, it's funny, because my mom is a huge Dick Francis fan and somehow I never ended up reading one of his, despite the fact that she always had his books lying around, so it's about time I give him a try. I know Dick Francis is a pal of P.D. James, because I read about their friendship in her autobiography.

    Liz, I will definitely read that, although I might start with your download. :)

  7. Julia,

    Okay, this is going to sound self-centered, BUT, when I think of something I want/need that I can't afford to buy on my own, I jot it down in a notebook so I can pass the list to my family at Christmas/birthday/Mother's day/whatever day. Because like you, when that time arrives, I can't think of a single thing I'd like to ask for . . . until the date passes, then I can come up with dozens of ideas. Sigh. Growing older is NOT for sissies, and there is nothing graceful about it.

  8. I know what you mean, Lonnie. Today I said something that made no sense because I was trying to read, write and talk at the same time.

    My son's response: "Mom is getting old and senile."

    I thought the young were compassionate.


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